8605 Merrillville Road, Merrillville, INDIANA 46410.
About Us.
Pooja Services.
Contact Us.
MON - FRI : 8:30 AM - 12 NOON
                      5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
SAT - SUN :  8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
                      5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
For more information, please contact info@iacc-nwindiana.org


Bharatiya Temple of NWI Looking for Volunteers....!

          We need your help & support...............

Bharatiya Temple of NWI is looking for volunteers to help us with the daily temple

activities. Help needed from  9 to noon and 5pm to 8:30pm Every Day and 9 to 1pm on Saturday and Sunday. You can commit once a month:

For More Information: Call Suchita@219-924-7105/email:Suchita1259@gmail.com

or Amitha Garalapati @219-663-0839/emai:agarlapati@comcast.net

Interested to volunteer.....please do fill in your info & availability below..........


Please click on link to check our volunteer guidelines:    Volunteer Guidelines
Check our volunteer calendar:    Volunteer Calendar